FAMILY!!!!!!! JENIFER GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!! she's soooooooooo cute and she totally felt the spirit so strong. She said she felt free and so happy after she got baptized. ME ALEGRE MUCHO :):):):):):):):):):):):):):) She is soooooo cute. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm so happy for her!!!!!!! She now has the chance to live with God again, the only thing is she has to keep going forward. If we don't do that, we can't achieve eternal life. If you can imagine all of the happiness you've even felt in your entire life, times that by 1000, it still won't match up to how wonderful eternal life will be!!!! Nothing is more important than that!!!!!

Tono is so excited to get baptized. He has gotten his answer and everything and he went and saw a baptism and he knows it's what he has to do. He is a little nervous, but we are bringing over a lot of members, so they can support him and he can see that others have made the change. Really though. Member presents help sooooooo much. I mean 20 year old kids are great, but if you have someone who has been through a little more and who is a convert to the church, it will help you. He is so ready!!!!!! I can't wait!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH He is going to be such a strong member!!!!!!
The kids are gone this week for spring break, but soon they will be back and hopefully the mom will be a little more open. They just neeeeeeeeed to get baptized. The mom is impeding their salvation!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me so sad, but I know God is more powerful than anyone and He knows what's best, so I'm sure it will all work out :)
We have such a cute family!!! Oh my goodness. Raquel, Carlos, Karla, Allison, German, and the mom (I'm the worst, I can't remember her name.....) and they have all accepted dates. The kids have already gone to church and activities and they were sooooooooooooooooooo excited to accept being baptized!!!!! How phenomenal.!! The mom really wants her kids to be baptized too!!! And she wants to be baptized as well :) awesooooome!!!!!! They are progressing so much and they will be able to be so happy in their lives. Can't wait for that!! We have to teach them everything, but they are really excited for it all.
Then we are teaching an adorable girl, Yasmine. She's about 15 years old from Guatemala. So cute. She wants to teach us how to make typical Guatemalan food, so we're doing that this Friday. awesome!!! I'm excited!!! and it made her so happy when we said yes. She also is so close to the Spirit. She told us that she could tell and she had a dream that we were so full of the Spirit and that was so cool because you know we have the gift of the Holy Ghost and so that's why she could see it!!! Soon she will be able to know the truth for herself and get baptized!!!!!!!!! She's adorable though. Love her tons :)
We're teaching our neighbor Ana. She's so cute and her little girl loves listening to us. We're good friends with them, so it's cool that she invited us over to teach her and her family.
Plus we are teaching English to a family from Rwanda and Congo and it is amazing!!! They are so cute!!!! We are going to go to their church and we are going to teach them!!!! They also speak French, so I've got to brush up on that :) They're so cute and they went to church last week!!! How legit!!!!!!
Wow, this week has been such a good week. Llena de milagros :) Also found a guy who spoke french, so I got to talk to him a little bit, but I was so not good at it anymore. I was speaking like Spanish and French all mixed because well for a year and for 5 months straight, I have been speaking pure spanish. I'm going to start practicing again though.
GOING TO THE TEMPLE TODAY!!!! IT:S BEEN SOOOOOO LONG!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)
and there have been some AMAZING things that I have realized through study and all that jazz.
First of all, I have been studying prayer a lot and its' important, but mostly, how I can make my prayers more meaningful. So as I have been working on that, can I just tell you how much of a difference I've already felt??? It's incredible!!! One quote I love is that with prayer you are able to receive the highest blessings. Or something like that I can't remember it perfectly. But I now feel refreshed and enlightened after my prayers, and I am going to keep working on that everyday because I know that is something so important.
I love life. I love the mission. My companion is awesome. We are working hard all day everyday. Riding bikes all day too!!! So fun. I've definitely got to go on more missions after this one. Maybe like 5. I think that's reasonable :) hahaha but please keep reading and praying. If you want happiness, and if you want really anything good, FOLLOW GOD!!!!! Also you should watch this amazing video or EASTER IS COMING!!!!! If you want to go back as well, Because He lives (my personal favorite ever) Remember that Christ lives and that we need to follow Him to live with Him and our families forever!!!!!!
Love you all so much!!! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!!!!! I'm always here and praying for all of you :) Have a wonderful break!!!!!!!