Tuesday, February 3, 2015

3 February 2015

FAMILY! I LOVE YOU :) just saying. 

This week has been pretty phenomenal!! So it was kind of like the basic thing: wake up and study, eat, study, eat, study, practice teaching, study, but I love it. and this week was especially wonderful!! Of course there are some hard times, but I am seriously so happy!!

So I am gonna tell you about some amazing experiences!

First of all Sunday was amazing!!! I loved it so much. It was like the best Sunday I have ever had!! We learned about not comparing ourselves to others and knowing that others have been given different talents--some more than others. We just need to recognize our own and do all we can with them. I love that. and as it says in Mosiah 4:27 don`t run faster than you have strength! Sometimes you  may not have the talent that someone else does, but you can`t kill yourself trying to get it.  that is just dumb. and I know it is dumb because that is definitely my personality.  I want to do everything and do it well, but sometimes it is just too much.  I just have to be happy with what I am doing now, and trying my best :) Then we had an awesome speaker who is the director here. He was one of the funniest speakers I have heard! I loved his talk! He explained that we can`t be like Lot`s wife and look back.  Don`t have the desire in your heart to stop living the gospel and going forward in life.  He also talked about how times may be hard and we don`t see what is happening next, but we have to trust in God. He told us this awesome part from a poem (it went something like this)--he called us to the edge, but we didnt want to go for we knew that we would fall. He called us again and this time we approached.  As we stood near the edge, he pushed us, and we flew!! God will sometimes bring us to a place that we feel that we will fall, but he will help us fly instead :)

Another awesome experience. I was teaching my investigator, Hermana Arnaud, and I got to bear my testimony about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. My whole body felt like it was on fire. The Atonement and the Spirit has never felt more real in my life. What I said probably wasn`t the best Spanish, or the most eloquent of words, but I spoke from my heart and the Spirit spoke through me. I want that feeling all the time.  The feeling and warmth I got was something I have never experienced before. It was amazing, and my testimony grew a billion times that day! YAY :)

My compañera is awesome. Let me just tell you! She is so funny! We laugh all the time, and she works so hard! She is getting so good at Spanish!!! and teaching!! I just wish she would believe me when I tell her how good and just all around amazing she is :) She is seriously the best!! I really really want to be compañeras with her in the field and leave on the same flight together to get back!

I can`t believe this is my last week here at the CCM. What the flip! I am so excited though to head out and bring real changes into peoples lives. It will be awesome!! A lot of my friends here left dang it! But I am so excited for them!!! (I will send you pictures in a separate email) If you meet a Hermana Glass, Bertolucci, or Kava let me know!! They were in the class right next to me!! and Lori or Brent (if you guys see this) if you meet an Elder Kern or White, I know them too!! They are pretty awesome! They will be speaking Spanish, so I don`t know if you will but just in case I told you :)

Thanks so much for always sending me emails and being such great examples to me. I love you all a billion times more than ever!!!!!! you are my favorite people in this planet :):) I love that families can be together forever because I can`t imagine not being able to be with you all :) I truly love you with all of my heart!! and I know God loves you too :) Muchas Gracias!!! MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):) 


  1. Love you Kasey! You are amazing!

  2. Good Luck Kasey! You will do great:) I was just talking to our friend Camille Chapman that lives in Japan and she told me that her dad is the second counslor of the MTC there. I was so excited and told her that we have a niece that is there!! Small world!!
