Monday, August 3, 2015

3 August 2015

Helloooooo!!! I hope you all are doing well!!!!!! This week has been awesome!!!!! Well, every week is awesome, but this one was especially good :) well, more interesting. We spent a lot of time in the car! We drove up to Houston 2 times this last week. I mean it's like a trip to Salt Lake, but still. It was nice to see more of Texas!!

So my district is now one missionary companionship smaller. and Elder Spjute came back!!! So Elder Evans,Elder Mota and Hermana Palmer are now in different areas, but Elder Spjute is here again! Super funny because he packed all of his stuff and then he went back to the same apartment and unpacked.... kind of sad but also pretty hilarious.

We went to Nasa for our last P-day as a district ( I went with Hermana Endicott who was with me for a day and the elders) it was really fun! Nasa is really cool. I think Grey would love it a lot!!!! One of the hermanos Favio bought me a nasa T-shirt! The only picture I have with it is with it over my dress because we have to be in proselyting clothes, pero lo que sea. It was really nice of him to get me one :) he got Elder mota one too!!!

This week we have been working a ton to find news!!! I love it because I get to go and talk to EVERYONE!!!!! I'm pretty sure I'm the crazy missionary who runs up and is super excited and talking to them about the gospel or english class. hahahah it's the best :) I get kind of nervous sometimes because, well, you're going up to random people, but it's what you do! sweeeeet! Here in this area though, it's all about when you find a Spanish speaker, you need to talk to them because they're so spread out. There are parts where they are all together, but a lot of it is just talking to everyone when you get a chance. Whooo! I'm getting over my fear of talking to random people that's for sure!!! :)

I also can't believe I'm going to be in this area again. I decided I'm never leaving. I think I will just stay here for the rest of my mission. I would miss it too much to leave :) but whenever and wherever God wants me, I'll go. The people here are really the best. 

We've been doing a lot of service with other churches actually!!! It's really cool to work with them. They are some pretty amazing people. I love them sooooo much :) 

The heat is actually pretty crazy now. We walk outside and then we are drenched. Insane. but thankfully right now we're in a car area, so we don't have to always be biking. It's been averaging about 100 degrees with almost 100% humidity. DAAAAAAAANG! but Heavenly Father has been helping me a lot and it hasn't affected me :) so I can still work like crazy!!!!

Cool thing!!! We have been teaching Jorge and for some reason he didn't want to decide on a date, but Presidente Velasco (one of the counselors of the Mission President) asked to come with us and he was sooooo good!!! He was bold and an amazing teacher and helped him accept a date for 2 weeks away!!!! and Jorge has already started planning who is going to do everything, so it's going to happen this time :) can't wait!!!!!!!! Tengo la fe que todo va a pasar. and Presidente Velasco invited Jorge to eat with him and his family! Wow! Member missionary right there!!! Awesome!!!! 

Another miracle!!! We have a less active here in this area who hasn't gone to church in about a year, but we visited him one time this last week and he was at church yesterday!!!!!! I could not stop smiling!!!!! :) loooooooove it!!!!!! The gospel is real and it's the best when people come back!!!!

One thing I've definitely seen is the people who don't do the basics, are going to lose their testimonies. and it is the saddest thing ever because we can't have all of the blessings of God or an eternal family if we aren't going to church, reading the scriptures (especially the Book of Mormon) and praying. So if you aren't doing that right now.... DO IT! :) I have definitely been called to repentance here on my mish. I should've done it wayyyyyy better before, but I'm not going to stop after my mish. and God cares more about who you are becoming and where you are going than who you were before :) there is always time to change and if we do, that's what is important to God. 

Love you all tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have an amazing week!!!! Let me know if I can do anything for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISS YOU!!!!! :)

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