Helloooooo!!!! Can I just say how AMAZING THIS WEEK WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rather enjoyed it (imagine me saying that in a British accent. Hermana Hofheins and I have been using our accents quite a lot. Whenever we don't speak spanish, we are speaking in a British accent. Just thought you should know.) I may be in a weird and super hyper mood right now. You know me :) haha
first of all......... we got lice!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhh not the funnest, but it was kind of funny. do you see what I did there??? hahah, it's all good now, but we had to completely wash and clean eeeeeeevveeeeerything. wooot. It's hard when you never know exactly it comes from and here it could come from anywhere. but I learned and now I know what to do if it happens again!! entonces bendiciones!!! but yes. that's that.
Now for the greatest things ever!!!!!!
OUR INVESTIGATORS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!! We have so many people who are progressing to be baptized!!!!!
First Jenifer, she is sooooo cute. I absolutely adore her. She came to church again yesterday and she is going to be baptized this next Sunday. She's so ready and she really needs the gift of the Holy Ghost. It will bring so much peace and direction in her life. She needs this soooooo bad. So pray that all will be good and that she will keep not drinking tea. Also amazing miracle about that, we told her about the word of wisdom and the next day, she just stopped drinking it. How incredible!!!!! Love her so much. and I love that she can confide in us and that we can be her friends and her missionaries. :)
then ERIK AND ERIKA!!!! They aren't twins although, that would be sweet. They came to church and they LOVED IT!!!!!! they said they want to keep coming and they are reading and praying and they are even talking to their parents and reading with them and having discussions about what we're reading. They have questions and they're really looking to find where they are meant to be. They know God and they really just want to follow him. How absolutely amazing is that. I know they will do whatever they need to, to follow Him.
and of course, Toño. he is the best!!!!! He came to church again and we are working really really really hard with him to make sure he can be baptized this Sunday. For sure it will be in March, but if you could pray that he is baptized, it would be awesome. He just needs to take that step of faith. We are working with him a lot in the Book of Mormon to make sure he is set on that because it will be what brings him to baptism.
THE BEST THING EVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!! so you know Manuel, right??? My awesome recent convert??? OF COURSE!! His kids passed their interview!!!!! Now all we need is the Mom's permission and then they can get baptized!!!!!!!!!! They are so excited and so sweet!!!!!! it will be such a special experience and they will be able to have an eternal family!!!!!!!!!! That makes me so happy. I love them so much!!! I call them my adopted sons :):):):):):):):):) pray really hard that the mom's heart gets softened, so she doesn't delay anything. Manuel really wants them to, but the mom is not super excited and we can't teach her. Dang it. but they will be getting baptized this month!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhyhhhhhh love them!!!!
We have so many other wonderful people that truly are just progressing so much and on their way to be baptized. I am so blessed to be here in the mission and in this area and I get to be an instrument in God's hands. It brings more joy than you all can imagine. :):):):)
Also my companion is the best. We have so much fun. We get to joke around and just be weird. It's so awesome. She is doing such a good job. Learning Spanish and working super hard. Pretty sure all the success comes (obviously God first) but because of her effort. I'm really lucky to be able to be her companion.
Now for my spiritual rant. I know you were all waiting for this!!! It's one of my favorite parts of the day :)
My question for you all is why should we read the Book of Mormon?? Why do we have the Book of Mormon? What things can we learn from it??? Now, I'm not going to answer all those questions right now. I would love to hear what you think!!!
but one thing (I may have mentioned this before) about the spiritual BOMs when everyday we share a verse or why we love the Book of Mormon with someone and invite them to do the same. So today my spiritual BOM is in Mormon 8:38 Why are ye ashamed to tak e upon you the name of Christ? Why do ye not think that grea ter is the value of an endless happiness than that misery which never dies—because of th e praise of the world.
I love that scripture and I love the Book of Mormon because it really puts things in perspective for me. When we think so much about the world and not about God we are losing an endless happiness. I know that when we put God first and put his Gospel and do what he asks, we are storing treasures in Heaven and not only that, but we are finding happiness right here and right now. I know the way to find peace and joy and endless happiness is by doing the basics: reading, praying, and going to church. So will you read and pray and go to church??? yep. That's my spiritual BOM. but it really is an invitation to keep doing what you have already been doing or change somethings and do what God wants you to do.
One thing I've been thinking about as well is why a church?? Why do we have a church? and not just any church, but why do we need the one true church with all of the doctrines?? well, I guess I answered that question a little bit already. but I know that we need to find the one true church because we need all of the blessings and doctrines and answers that we can get. and I know that there is only one that has all of that. The only way for exaltation and the only way to have the Atonement in our lives completely is through the ordinances and covenants and gospel that is taught and used in this Church. If you have any questions about why a church, I would encourage you to look at Elder D. Todd Christofferson's talk "Why a Church" from last general conference. I absolutely love it!!!
but also, I think about it like this. If a church wasn't necessary, why did Jesus Christ form one?? for me, that kind of answers the question. If Jesus Christ formed a church, and He is our perfect example, then clearly, we need that.
but yes. That is my spiritual rant for the day.
I love you all so much!!!!!!!! The mission is the best!!!!!!!!!! You're all fantastic and I am so grateful for everything you do and who you are!!! Keep going strong. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):):):)