Then we have Luis.... he's this 80 man from Columbia and he is SO cute and funny!!! He's like a grandpa to me. He's gone through some crazy things, but he has a date and we are working with him so he can get baptized!!!! Awesome!!!! I really like spending time with him and he definitely has charmed the members that we have!!!!
SOILA IS GETTING BAPTIZED FOR SURE THIS SUNDAY!!!!!! it's all set and she is ready!!!!!! :) she's so cute and I'm so happy for her!!!!!!!!!! I really really like her. :) Teresa wants a little bit more time, so we re-extended a date for the 28 because she really wants to have a strong testimony of the gospel, so she'll keep going in it. We are working a lot with her because she really is so ready. She's wonderful and I love her to death. After every lesson, I am just so happy because she truly has real intent and she really wants God in her life. I'm so impressed with her and all that she is doing for her family.
Rolando came to church!!!!!!!!!! and Antonio totally was a missionary and sat with him :) he showed him where to go and everything. Can I just brag about Antonio for a second? He's a 16 year old guy and he has never missed a Sunday. even if he has to call someone, he still goes. His testimony is so strong and I'm so excited for his future. I can definitely see him going on a mission. In fact, I'm pretty positive that's what is going to happen because he's too amazing not too!!!!! Manuel is also doing really good. He sent us a scripture last night and said he is going to work really hard to change somethings. Awwwwwwww love him a lot :)
We had the atonement training this week!!! Have y'all ever read the infinite atonement??? That's on my reading list for when I get back, but i love the way he teaches the atonement. If you really understand the atonement, you will do everything possible to have it in your life. Some important things to remember about the Atonement:
It saves us--from death, way to have an eternal family
it redeems us--way to be clean from sin
it enables us--through his grace we can do all things. without it, we are nothing
heals us--all the hurt and frustration and bad things that have happen to us, He can heal us of those things
we need this so bad because of our fallen state. We deserve nothing of ourselves (Alma 22:14) really what we deserve is a lot of suffering because we are sinners (Mosiah 2:38-39). but God doesn't want us to suffer, so "He sent His Only Begotten Son" that we don't have to suffer if we but just repent (D&C 19:15-19) and that through his mercy we can be saved (Alma 42:15) We should all work to remember His atonement even more in our lives and do all we can to have it with us.
Will you please read those scriptures for me???? and reply???? I want to get your ideas on them. I won't forget I promise :) I'll be my missionary self, following up, and making sure you do it :) I do it because I love you!! Just like I do with my investigators hahaha
I love this ward and these members!!!! I never want to leave :) hahaha, pretty sure I say that about every place I've been (except I only have 2 areas) that's kind of crazy, right? I just stay in one place for a really long time!!!!! but I love it!!! I get to know the people really well and it will be easy for me to come back!
Oh I forgot to mention we dropped off Hermana Rivas at the airport!! She's now at temple square. How crazy is that??? but I know she's really happy there because that's her mission, mission :) so that's good!!!
So guess what. One of my really good friends Fernando is super sick:(his back is really bad. we went and visited him and he is so sweet. I really really like him. He's pretty old, but he is so strong. the first question he asked was will I get the Santa Cena manana? Wow, can you talk about amazing testimony?? and Arturo gave him a blessing. The very first blessing he had ever done. It was a special experience. I'm glad we got to visit him.
Oh I forgot to mention my comp and I did a musical number is sacrament meeting. She is AMAZING at the violin. Wow. I'm so impressed. I think it turned out well although being in front of people and playing freaks me out..... (I wasn't violin, I was piano if you were wondering;) hahaha
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREYDON!!!!!!!!!!!! I already sent you a little email, but I just think that everyone should know you're turning 13!!!! I can't believe you're a teenager tomorrow................... whaaaaaaaat.
Love you all so much!!!!!! :):):):):) tengan una buena semana!!!!!!!

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