I really don't like hashtags, but lately I've just really wanted to use them. Don't ask me why. I have no idea, but it's been raining a lot here! Crazy! Everyone was freaking out. They said we were supposed to have another flood like they had in May this last week, but it was supposed to be worse....but it wasn't even bad!!!!!! I was really excited to have to bike in knee deep water, but I guess that just wasn't meant to be! haha, so you don't have to worry :) our apartment got a little bit of water inside, but not too much! Thankfully we heard about it, so we put all of our stuff high up! So it worked out!
speaking of our apartment complex, our investigators are going to be our neighbors!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!! They're the investigators we see everyday!!!!! :) I love them a lot!!!! they just need to get baptized though!!!! With one of them, Iris, we have hit a giant bump in the road. More like the Berlin Wall (but even that came down, so I'm hopeful that we will help her get through it! :) hahaha I still remember some history stuff!) but she HATES halloween. I can't even explain to you how much she absolutely loathes it. She knows the book of Mormon is true and everything, but she thinks that because we have Halloween activities and people of the Church celebrate Halloween, that this can't be the true church because that's wrong and we're supporting all this horrible bad stuff. She even asked us to pray about Halloween and she said God will tell us it's wrong. But it's all about the intention. Halloween really is for the kids. But I get it. It's something that she has grown up with, so we will work with her and she will get baptized. Her date is for this Saturday (she picked Halloween, so we couldn't go out and do stuff..... ahahahahahhaha:) but I feel confident she can and God said she was ready. One other thing He said though was that she will ultimately make the decision.
Can I tell you something though? That is the hardest thing on the planet. You grow to love these people more than you can even describe. You see their good qualities and how much they NEED the gospel. They NEED it, so when they don't accept it, it hurts. It really really does. Salvation, Eternal Life, Eternal Families all depend on this. This is the most important decision of their lives! IT's the most important decision of all of our lives! We all need to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be in the true church. We cannot be saved without it. Do we all realize how important this is???? I see investigators refusing baptism and it kills me. I see members who were so strong, fall away. If you think about the eternal scheme of things and even now with all the blessings that they are losing, it hurts. How would it be if it was your family members?? I wasn't the perfect person, member, or anything like that by far. Still am not, but I know now that we need to stay strong and keep going. We can't have an eternal family or the blessing of God in the Celestial Kingdom if we don't stay strong. We all NEED the gospel. We all do. Let's not give up on it. Let's keep going strong and find joy and love and happiness and peace in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sorry that was really long, but I just felt like I should say it. Please keep going strong. Pray, Read, and Go to Church. :) PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! also y'all should read DyC 19:15-20
Anyway, back to the investigators, we are working really hard with them. Manuel has a date along with his kids, Adrian y Jonathan, and we know they can make it! They just have to work hard and prepare themselves!!!!!!! Any prayers you want say for them would be awesome!!! Also for Antonio, he is the son of Iris.
We also have the cutest family on the planet. Gustavo y Jaquelin!!! I love them so much!! They're so humble and really accepting. They act on what they feel. They don't need to know everything, but when they feel it, they are willing to act on it. They want to be married soon, so they can get baptized!!!! They are adorable and I'm so excited for them!!!!!!! :):)
This week I have been studying a lot about Joy. I love it. Really what I want in life is to be joyful and happy. and the true and only way of finding that is through God. all the good things from from God, so that makes sense doesn't it??? I was reading in Alma 29 and it talks about joy from being an instrument in God's hands. Isn't that true joy? Being able to do what God needs you to do in bringing salvation to others? We first bring ourselves and then we bring others. "you can't convert someone beyond your our conversion" The more converted someone is, the more they can speak with the Spirit and then the Spirit can testify to them. How incredible is that?? and we find so much Joy in bringing people unto him, including ourselves.
What ways do you find joy?? How are you trying to be more converted to Jesus Christ??? (food for thought:)
Love you all!!! Let me know if I can do anything for you!!!!!!!!!! ":):):)

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