Monday, November 2, 2015

2 November 2015

Hello, hello!!!!!!!! We had a suuuuuper good week this week. We should be having lots of baptisms coming up. We will probably have one this week and then 4 or 6 the week the week after. SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!! 

Halloween was really weird because nothing happened! (You'll be happy to hear that mom :) but I really thought there would be at least people outside trick or treating, but we saw like 2 kids,. That was it. Very different than Utah. 

Also super cute thing!!!!! One of our investigators signed up to feed us. Now she and her family have literally nothing. It's so sad. But we went to go to her house to eat. She and her husband set up a little side table for us and put a cute little table liner as a table cloth, so we could have someone nice to eat. She then made us the food and gave us the plates and gave us so much food while she and her family ate off of little baby plates. I immediately felt a rush of love for all of them and not gonna lie, I teared up a little bit. She doesn't have much, but what she did have she wanted to give to us. There are amazing people in this world and I'm so blessed to get to know them. 

This week we didn't teach as much as we normally do because we basically had three days that we didn't have time to teach. First day we did service!!!! I LOVED IT!!!! we got to help underprivileged kids get their eyes checked. They were adorable :) I loved them a lot!!!! I got to talk to them and get to know them. They are so cute and innocent. It's amazing how you can feel so much love for people you don't even know. They all need to find the gospel ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone needs it. 

Then we got to listen to Elder Corbridge from the seventy....... THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG!!!! It was a 7 hour reunion and I loved it!!! I learned so much. First of all I loved how President Hall explained that a better question to what is your spiritual language is how can the spirit speak to me? because really the Spirit won't talk to you in only one way. I'm now going through PMG looking at all the ways the Spirit can talk to you and marking down the scriptures and times when I have felt that way. It's pretty incredible. I haven't noticed the Spirit as much as I should've because I've felt it a lot!!!!

Then Elder Corbridge talked. His question really was what is the most important thing? Y'all should think about that. Truly what is the most important thing?? I'll tell you because we all need to know!!! I'm sure a lot of you know already :) the most important thing is the Atonement. We truly can't have any good thing without the Atonement. Jesus Christ already paid the price for us, but it's up to us to accept that. What do YOU need to do to accept it? It's nothing huge really. In Alma 7:7-17 it talks about the doctrine of Christ (also found in 2 Nephi 31 and 3 Nephi 27, which you all should read!!!) faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. We are all right now on enduring to the end, and we have to do it!!! We can't live with our families forever or have joy in the eternities if we don't!! and truly we find more joy in this life when we follow what God wants :)

Another amazing thing that he explained was that people fall away or don't get baptized because they don't understand. I know that's true. I didn't understand any of this before my mission. I didn't realize how important everything was until I got here and I studied and learned about it. When you understand the doctrine, you know of the necessity of this gospel and you would be willing to do whatever it takes to receive eternal life (our goal) and you can do that through the Spirit. We have been given such a huge gift that changes our life for the better. We have the Spirit which can lead and guide us and it can bring us what we need. We feel love, joy, peace.... (Galations 5:22-23) all those buenos sentimientos podemos sentir. All good things come from Christ and come from this Gospel. This is the true Church on the earth and this it the way to eternal happiness and joy. and it's the way to have joy here as well. 

Many people think it's hard to be a disciple of Christ, but in reality, it's easier to be a disciple of Christ than not. We receive so many blessings. So many!!! I can't even tell you how blessed I feel that I grew up in the gospel. I got to avoid so many different struggles. I hear about some people's life and I think to myself, there's a commandment about that. There's a commandment about that too, and I truly realize that commandments are here to bless our lives. They are gifts from God. Protection is keeping us from straying into tinieblas and sadness and trials. Sure, we will still have trials and challenges, but we will be able to overcome them through Christ and we will avoid a lot of self-inflicted pain as well! I don't know about y'all, but I definitely want that!! I don't need more pain in my life. Another thing Elder Corbridge said is that we don't need to suffer more. Jesus Christ already suffered, he has the way out to suffer less, so why don't we take it??? 

There was so much more, but I'm running out of time!!!!

Last thing, we went to the temple with two members here for their first time. It was really special and I got to listen to the session in Spanish again. LOVED IT! :) It's really special listening to it in a different language other than English. I really like it! One day I'll listen to it in French, Chinese, Japanese, and I dunno, whatever other languages I want to learn!!!!

Love you all so much!!!!!!!! :):):) Keep reading and praying every day!!! Dios los ama!!! Y los amo tambien :) Hasta luego mi familia!!! 

ALSO I ATE INTESTINES AND COW BRAINS!!!! not my favorite thing on the planet, but I found out I've been eating cow tongue a lot and it's actually really good! Quien sabia??? Just thought y'all should know :) LOVE YOU!!!!

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