Monday, June 15, 2015

15 June 2015

I bet that made you think I was going French, huh? Well, not this transfer, but maybe another time. A ver que pasa. I'm actually staying in the same area again!!! Crazy, right? I'll be spending six months here, and maybe more depending, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was my last transfer! I love it so much! I'm glad I get another chance to help here!!! There are so many prepared people. They are amazing!!!!!! I am super determined to help them come unto Christ by being baptized. 

One of our investigators Hermano Jorge disappeared for a while, but he's back! and he said the only thing that is holding him back is a testimony about Joseph Smith. We had the super amazing lesson with him about Joseph Smith, but he is still unsure. You should definitely pray for him so he can receive his answer!! He really wants to do what is right and follow Jesus Christ. I just realllllllllly want him to be happy!!!! ahhhhhh :) once he gets his answer, BAUTISMO!!! Y el va a estar muy feliz!! Que bien, verdad?

So guess what!!!!!!!!!!!! IT has been raining A TON!!!!! LOOOOOOVE IT!!!! The weather here is crazy!!!! we have rain and then heat and then rain and then heat. Heavenly Father's really been helping me out because I've been doing super well with it. Whooooooooooo :) I can still run around. Actually I have sometimes unlimited amounts of energy. My comp thinks that I run on adrenaline. That is possible. I hope I can keep that with me forever!!!!!! Honestly being happy gives me energy. Or at least I have energy when I am happy because I am happy alllllll the time :):):) the mission is the best!!!!! (sorry I don't know if you can tell, but I am super happy today!!!!!)

ANYWAYSSSSSSSSS guess what happened!!!! Craziest story ever. Well, this happened last week, but I kind of spaced it.... some hermanas in our area got their car stolen!!!! We were all doing service together and then the hermanas went to check their car and it was GONE!!!!!! Some teenage guys stole it, so we had to call the police and get them to come. He was super funny. He took down the information and because they had tiwi (a device that won't let you go a certain speed) they were able to figure out where they were. Then the policemen went in 'hot pursuit' as he said. The boys when they saw the police they speed to about 100ish mph for like 2 miles. They rammed into two other cars (everyone was okay) stopped in the middle of the road and then booked it out. But thankfully the policeman had dogs, so they chased them down and the hermanas got basically everything back. CRAZY RIGHT?!?!?!? We were with the hermanas the whole time, and we got like every little detail. AWESOME!!!! I wish I could've been in the car chase!!!!

Also, we got to go and do service in Houston because of all the floods. I had the best time ever!!!! Service makes me sooooooooo happy :):) which is good because that's pretty much all we do!!! Serving by teaching and serving by, well, doing service! Also cool fact. I'm going to be in a Jewish Newspaper column in Houston (I have no idea what is is called, but you should try to look it up for me pretty please!!!! If you look up Mormons helping Rabbi and then my name Hermana McMullin not Kasey or Hermana Palmer's you should find it :) super random, but awesooooooome. 

Que mas................ lately we have been staying in  because my poor companions been super sick :( she's feeling better though and although we haven't been able to go out and teach, I know Heavenly Father is trying to teach me something and I need to remember that He will fill in the rest. I am definitely learning to trust in Him more :)

Guess what an Elder from my district is going home. HOW SAD!!!! He is suuuuuuch a good missionary. I've really enjoyed getting to know him. (He's the one standing by me) Then the others in our district are well in order from left to right--Hermana Hall, me, Elders Lambourne, Evans, Mota, Barlow (who is leaving our district to go to a different area) Hermanas Palmer, and Wood. I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!! Seriously having a district like I've got is such a blessing!!! They're super funny :) 

and then there's another picture that the elders decided to take.

One thing that I have been thinking and pondering a lot about is the fact that I haven't had a baptism yet. As I think about why and what I need to do to change (which is a lot because I am so not perfect) a talk that I heard at BYU came to my mind.He talked a lot about how we often won't see the fruits of our labors. I have been feeling like I have been trying to do everything possible (and of course you can always do more) but I didn't know why I haven't helped someone come unto Christ though baptism, but I realized (and from a blessing that I got) I may not see the baptism, but every word that I say and everything I try with all of my heart to do will help someone. As long as I am doing my part, they will be able to accept the gospel when the time is right for Heavenly Father. I do have faith and I know I can help these people accept the happiness that we have for them this transfer. No matter what happens, tengo la fe. Never doubt that!! If God calls me to plant, I'll plant. Once it's my time to 'reap the harvest' (as they say) I will with joy! I truly love these people and I will do all I can. I just need to accept that God's timing is different than my time. Bautismos don't count a successful missionary. It's your effort, your love for the people, and if you, yourself, are changing. 

I love this gospel. I love the joy that I get. I just want everyone to be happy and have this too. I seriously can't stop smiling. Aunque times are dificil, I know that you can still be happy and have a good attitude because God is with you :)

I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!!!!!!!!! I miss you tons!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) 

let me know if I can ever do anything for you all!!! I'm always praying for everyone back home!!! LOVE YOU :):):

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