Monday, March 7, 2016

7 March 2016

So guess what. I totally fixed the computer, so now I can send a better email! wooooooot. Who knew I would have to learn how to fix the computer. But I really didn't do anything. Anyway, that is so not important. 

So funny story. We were OYMing in an apartment complex when a guy came up and started talking to us. He didn't seem drunk or anything, so of course, we got into the whole, we're your missionaries and we teach about Christ, could we come over sometime to talk to you? and he seemed super awesome! So he got our number and then it got crazy. You know how I have the wonderful gift of sleeping through alarms??? Well apparently that works for phone calls too, but Hermana Hofheins always wakes up. So she wakes me up and says Hermana someone has been calling us every minute for 30 minutes. So she answered the phone. in her own words that she said in her email, "he was talking really weird, so as a good missionary does, I deferred to my companion" haha, it turned out to be the guy we OYMed and he was, well, not at full capacity, so I told him to go to bed, that the elders were coming by tomorrow, and that he needed to read the bible. and then Hermana Hofheins let him know that we are basically monjas (nuns) hahahah it was hilarious. 

Just thought y'all should know!! 

Hmmmm not much else is happening. People are awesome. We are working super hard. My brain is going crazy right now... I keep forgetting EVERYTHING!!!! I forgot the phone at an appointment and we accidentally got locked out of the office with all of our stuff inside. So today, we decided we are just going to be hermits and try to normalize our brains. A ver lo que pasa :) 

Yep. that's all I got. fun stuff. 

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