Monday, February 16, 2015

16 February 2015--First Week in the Field

Hola mi familia! I hope you all are having a lovely week and even if things are a little crazy, you know that it will all work out! 

I am now officially in the field. I am a little overwhelmed not going to lie. Spanish is kind of difficult to get, but I have to cut myself some slack because I have only been learning Spanish for like 6 weeks. I just feel like I should be perfect now, but I am able to participate in the lessons and understand quite a bit. But it is weird. I understand the words, but they in sentence form they don't make sense to me. I don't get it, but I am sure it will get better. I just need patience which is something I don't really have.  

I have already taught tons of lessons. I love the people here, but their culture is a little different than what I am used to. I have never been hugged so much in my life, and you know me. I don't hug, but that will be good, but of course I don't hug guys or anything. That is no bueno! It is different being a missionary out in the field. Sometimes people can be really creepy or really weird, but so far most of the people I have met have been extremely nice. I really like them. I know I will come to love them as I continue to teach them.

My trainer is Hermana Huntsman. She is from Utah too, and she is amazing. She is gorgeous and super nice, and she is very energetic too! We are always moving. We hurry and eat and go teach and then we run around everywhere and find people. Well, not run because I am in a driving part of the mission, dang it! But it is super handy. but anyways Hermana Huntsman is so good at what she does. Everyone just adores her here. She is super fun and I am very lucky to have her as my trainer. I hope I can be a good companion and be nice. I am trying to be the best that I can.

I really like it here, but I definitely need to work on my confidence, so I can be a better missionary.  It is kind of hard though. I get super nervous going up and talking to random people especially because my Spanish is nowhere near perfect, but as I keep working, it will get better.

Sorry my brain isn't really working right now. I don't know why, well I guess it could be because I am slightly overwhelmed, but don't mistake that for thinking I don't want to be here. I do. and I love it. and now I am going to talk about the spiritual parts of my mission! yay!

I have been teaching a lot of lessons and it is really cool how much I can understand. I know that God is helping me because my Spanish is nowhere near good enough to understand everyone. Seriously nowhere near good enough! but I have been able to help out and say things that brought the Spirit.

My biggest accomplishment this week was I got to invite someone to be baptized. Let me tell you about it. Earlier in that lessons, a guy told him about baptism and my investigator said he would never get baptized. I didn't think I was going to invite him because after that I didn't think it was the right time plus there was this one guy there that made it interesting. Anyway, I asked my companion if I could still invite him and so I did. and he said yes! He said he needed time to learn everything, but he wanted to. Awesome! I don't think he totally understands it all, so we will teach him everything, but he has a date. I can't wait to see my first baptism and see how happy they are.

One quote I found that I absolutely love is God doesn't move the mountains, but he always helps you climb over them. Or at least something like that. I know right now it can be hard, but as I keep working it will get better and I will become happier and more and more prepared. 

Thanks for everything guys! I love you all!!! Have a lovely day and week! ADIOS MI FAMILIA!! LOVE AND MISS YOU :)


  1. Hey, I don't know if me message went, so I will write it again. I think you are doing great for only being out in the field one week. I understand it takes 6 months to really be comfortable with the language. And it won't take you that long. Love you lots.

  2. Kasey you are an inspiration to me! You are doing awesome! Love you!
