Monday, October 12, 2015

12 October 2015

Hello!!! I'm emailing y'all a little early because we're going to GALVESTON!!!  and KEMAH!!!!! our investigators wanted to take us and we got permission, so we are heading off!! I'm super excited actually :) I mean I was just there, but still. it will be awesome!!

This week was amazing!!!!!!! We found so many people and these people are legit!!!! They came to church and the ones that couldn't was because they went to Mexico. So I guess that makes sense :) but how cool is that??? We are so blessed here in this area and Heavenly Father is helping us so much! Love it!!!

One cool thing is we had a referral, so we went to try him. We started talking to him and then we asked him if anyone wanted to listen, so he went and got all of his primos, tios, and all of those guys and so they all came out and started listening to the lesson. It's a good thing we brought extra stuff because we had about 7 people that were there and we were all having a great time!! IT was kind of funny because it was 7 guys and then us two, hermanas. pretty great. It was kind of weird though because we have to be outside because we can't be inside with only 2 girls, so we all just stood on their balcony in front of their door. They were really cool though and the ones who didn't go to Mexico went to church!

Que mas..... I'm really bad at remembering all that happened. There are so many miracles every week, but I can't remember them when I'm emailing!!!!

One thing I've been studying a lot is a talk called the fourth missionary. One of the greatest talks on the planet. I absolutely love it. But it's talking about having to give up everything that you want good and bad to serve God and all you have to do is choose to do it. It's the same for life. It's really the only intelligent thing to do to accept God and do what He wants you to do. It's the way to happiness and the way to eternal life. It's a principle i'm trying to incorporate in my mission more and then what I want to do at home. :)

Also this week we learned how to make coconut fish soup. It was pretty good! and do you remember how I hated fish when I was home?? For some weird reason, I can eat whatever I want and I don't hate it! Heavenly Father really blessed me to get over that, so now i eat whatever. Also, I can eat SO much food. I've always been able to, but now I eat even more. It's really bad, but I guess it's kind of a gift too because they love having you eat a lot. They normally give us give 5 servings and then desert. It's delicious, but it's also bad because I don't want to eat that much..... :) 

well I think that's all for this week!! LOVE YOU TONS! :):):):):):):) 

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