Monday, October 5, 2015

6 October 2015

So guess what!!!!! THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I mean every week is really really good, but this one was especially good because it was CONFERENCE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I learned so much and I have a lot to change and work on from listening, but that's the best part! The gospel is here to change us into better people, so when I find out the many things I get to work on, I'm happy:) I'm going to share some things with you and if you all want to share some things with me, I would love to hear what you got from conference!!! I always love learning from others :) (I got to watch all of the sessions and then I watched the General Women's session in Spanish! it was awesome!)

A couple quotes I loved:

Uchtdorf: "Ahora es parte de la eternidad" we are told we will receive happiness and blessings in the eternities, but we can also have them right now it just depends on ourselves and our actions! So let's all focus on doing God's will here, so we can be happy!

"Exaltation is our goal. Discipleship is our journey." As we truly become disciples of Christ, we will have exaltation. Who doesn't want to live with their families forever and have joy forever? I don't know about y'all, but that's what I want :) and I hope you want it too!!!!

A couple random things: trusting in God more will bring us the faith we need. 

We have to keep the Sabbath day holy to really follow our Savior. It's really such a blessing to have that day to rest from our struggles and jobs. As we keep that day holy and renew our covenants, we can have the Spirit more: which brings happiness, peace, and all other good feelings.

Mom: I mentioned this in your other email, but definitely the importance of mothers. Holland's talk was amazing and really without our amazing mothers, we are nothing. and I know that's especially true of me :)

Seeing people through their parents eyes. Their earthly and heavenly :)

God gives us commandments as a blessing to keep us from heartache and danger. They're not restricting us, merely helping us along the way back to our Heavenly Father. 

Last I want you all the question yourselves just as it said in Elder Lawrence's "the Course of Steady Improvement" What lack I yet?? I know you are all amazing people (all of my family and friends everywhere) but we always have something we can change to become more like our Savior. I encourage you to ask that question and pray about it (if you haven't done it already). I know that we will be blessed if we always try to do one thing better. 

I love conference and I've grown to love it even more on my mission. The gospel is true and it's the way to eternal happiness. As we keep going forward and endure to the end, we can have joy now and in the eternities. :) 

If you haven't listened to conference, DO IT!!!!! It will help improve your life so much!!!!!

Okay now for this week!!! which has been an amazing week as well not just because of conference :)

We went to the temple with a recent convert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was lucky enough to be in this area to go with him. It's really wonderful to see someone progress in the gospel and have the privilege to go to the temple. It's such a special time and getting to see that really brings joy. Temples are true and I know that when we do what we can, we can have an eternal families and receive the help we need from Heavenly Father :)

We have some really amazing investigators who are so close to baptism. One of them, who's name is Antonio, is a 16 year old boy who is so close to the Spirit. He said he received his answer that the Book of Mormon is true and that he really loves reading it. He loves having us come over because he says he can feel a difference. It's amazing when you have people like him who are ready and prepared. We should be extending him a date soon!!!!!! He's amazing!!!!!!! 

His whole family too, Iris, Manuel, Alexis, Adrian, Jonathan, and Estrella (his sister who we just met) are such charitable people. They are ready for the gospel. I just want them to have all of the blessings and have an eternal family (well they're like 2 families, but basically one, so 2 eternal families but friends forever haha) I always want to be over with them. They just make me so happy. Who knew you could have this much love for people in such a short time. 

one funny thing: one of our investigators Manuel is really nervous for us because we're biking around by ourselves, so he bought us mace to protect us. HE IS THE BEST!!!!! hahaha love them!!!!!!!!!

I love you all so much!!!!!!! Let me know if there is anything I can ever do for you!!!!! I am praying for you :):) 

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