This week we have been finding like crazy!!!! It's been really fun just going up and talking to everyone. Sometimes they are nice and other times..... not so much. But one thing I love is that every time someone says no, it just means you are closer to the person that will say yes!! Good things to come :)
This week we are going to have a zone meeting and be talking a lot about the apostasy. One thing as a mission that we are really trying to get down is being able to teach and explain that Christ truly established his church and gave his apostles the authority to teach and baptize, but that was lost. If our investigators understand that an apostasy happened, then they know they need to find the church again.
It's really helped thinking about it in a personal way. As I have been studying it, I was just reminded that every person has had their own personal apostasy. They've all had a time in their life when they have felt completely lost and we can relate that to the time after the apostles and Christ died. What did the people lose? They lost their guides. They had no one to run the church. It also answers a question about why there are so many churches in this world right now if Christ only had one. Christ formed a perfect church that was the only way to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ (which is the whole point of the church!) but without it, there was no way for people to get back to live with them again. People still wanted to, so they formed their own churches, but none of them are the way to get back. But thankfully now through the restoration of the church and God calling Joseph Smith as a prophet, we can have the blessing of having the church, the full gospel of Christ, and we can be baptized!!
But what does this mean for us? Those who already know all this?? Well, we actually have to act and let the gospel and the knowledge we have change us!! We have to put God first and help everyone see the difference and know how to get back to God. The saddest thing to see is when people don't accept or just don't know because there is no other way to have eternal life. Not for them and not for us!!
But now time for some miracles!!! Remember the guy I said that we met that one time and then gave him as a referral to the elders? He is getting baptized in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!! He is so prepared!!!! When the elders texted me that I was so pumped!!! There truly are prepared people in this world :)
I just read an email from Nate Rasmussen about him going home (which I can't believe by the way) and wow. It kind of broke my heart a little bit! He talked about how your mission is your home. Your mission and the people here are your family too. Super true. Man, I will be a wreck when I leave!!!
But we aren't going to think about that for a while because I still have a lot of time!!!! :) haha
The mission is amazing. The hard times make the good ones all the better. That's the same with life as well!! The gospel is true. Jesus Christ is our Savior. Love you all so much!!! Talk to you next week :)
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