Monday, March 16, 2015

16 March 2015

This week has been the best week ever!! Okay, every week is the best, but this week was super good!! Yesterday at Church our investigator Bato came!! He is the coolest and he seriously wants to be baptized!!!! Oh, miracle super quick about Bato. He was pretty quiet and timid. We could never get him to open up, but we went back late one night, and honestly, we thought he would say he couldn't again, but this time he said he could! So he came out and we started teaching something else, but then I felt prompted to ask a random question about baptism. We did that and then he opened up to us. and he is amazing!! He really wants to do what God wants and he told us, after his baptism, he doesn't want to fall away. He wants to keep going and be obedient to everything. GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR!!! AND HE'S ALSO JUST THE SWEETEST PERSON ON THIS PLANET!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR HIM TO BE BAPTIZED!!!!!!! :):):):)  I seriously love him so much!!! 
and he is hilarious. 

OOOOOOO two of our recent converts got the aaronic priesthood!! and more are going to soon! yessssssss!!! 

and we have a TEMPLE trip!!!! I can't wait!!!!!! We have almost 20 names of people to bring (and I am bringing 5 :) girls and guys) it is going to be so good! We have been working super hard with our family history and our converts to get them here and it's all working out. God is super merciful when you are doing what you are supposed to. We have been blessed sooooooo much!!! I want to go to the temple right now for my ancestors!!! It will be super powerful because I know they are waiting for their work to be done. They need us to do it, and we are going to! whooo!!! Super awesome. 

We taught 37 lessons this week as well!!! People are seriously prepared to hear and they are doing so good! They are such good examples to me!

Oh another thing!!!!! So we played futbol (soccer for all you Americans :) hahahaha) and after we had a lesson. A super powerful one about the Atonement. Some of our recent converts bore their testimony of it and it was amazing. You can tell how much they have changed and everything that they're doing to be better. I am so amazed and admire them so much!! They are going to do such great things in their lives!!!!

Oh cool thing again!! (hahaha, lots of cool things happened this week!!) so I was called to bear my testimony yesterday. I was super nervous because they all are fluent Spanish speakers, but I went up and bore my testimony and it was super good!! My Spanish actually worked, and I didn't feel nervous at all. Heavenly Father totally helped me, and all I hope is that my testimony could help someone who needed it. 

Guys, the gospel is SO true!! I have grown to love everything about it. Of course I don't understand everything, but that's okay because I can promise you that I have faith and I know that it's true. Never give up on your testimony. Never give up on learning the Gospel. Times may come where you aren't sure, but make sure to "doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith!"--Uchtdorf.  God knows you personally, and he "commandeth none to not partake of his salvation" (I believe that's 2 Nephi 2(something) :26 anyways. 

I love you all soooooooooooooooooooo much!!! I will send pictures in another email!!!! :):):):) LOVE YOU!!!!!!! BE HAPPY!!!!! let me know if there is anything I can do for you!!!! BYEEEEEEE!!

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