Monday, November 9, 2015

9 November 2015--Pretty Awesome Week

bonjour ma famille! Comment ca va?? Yeah, French...I remember those days, but I've been practicing a little bit when I have free time, so hopefully when I get back, I'll still be able to speak in French. A ver lo que pasa :)

This week was awesooooooome! We have so many awesome investigators!!!!!! We found this one family (well sort of family) Daisy, Henry, Oscar, Jonathan, Isabela, y Luis and they are so cute!!! They love it when we come over! It's fun because they're all basically our age. Isabela even told us that we should come over every day. Super cute :)

Then we have Jaquelin y Gustavo, who are getting married this week!!! We may have to wait a little bit for the baptism just because this weekend is crazy and their daughter may be having surgery. If so, we'll just reextend, but they are so excited. Gustavo came to church and he LOVED it. They talk a lot about how it's reverent and quiet and we aren't yelling. There really is a peace that you can find in the chapel especially in el cuarto sacramental. I love it there. I have come to find it as a place of refuge for myself. I really rely on that peaceful time just for me to think about my relationship with God and how I can really be clean again. I need it every week. I haven't missed a week of the sacrament for a while, but I feel the difference as I partake of the sacrament. What a special gift that we have!! Don't ever take it for granted :)

MANUEL SAID HE IS READY TO GET BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a monumental thing!!!! Y'all don't even understand!! He has been listening to the missionaries for like 6 months and he finally said he is ready and he doesn't need more time and he wants to be baptized this weekend on his date :):) Hermana Ihrke and I could not stop smiling. How amazing is that. I am soooooooo happy. And Antonio passed his interview!!! They're getting baptized together!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  I'm not sure you even understand how happy I am!!!! We see them everyday and now (because they're never going to fall away) we can see them in the Celestial Kingdom :) and they'll get sealed to people in the temple and everything :) awwwwwwwwwwww :) I mean Antonio is only 16, but eventually he will!! hahaha and I just want to be able to see pictures or if I can, go!!!!! :)

We had an awesome lesson with them and the spirit was really strong. Our member really testified as well as nosotras that he needs to be baptized now and not wait if he's ready! and then after he said he was! whoooooooooo!! and then last night we had a carne asada (those are delicious by the way, I'll have to make it sometime for you :)) and we talked a lot about baptism. They already have it all set up!!! and the cutest thing ever. We had to go, so they were like wait, quick think of questions, so they can't leave! and Antonio started 'coming up with questions' but really just talking slow so that we couldn't leave. :) LOOOOVE them!!! haha, but we really did have to go, so we asked we will see you Tuesday and he was soooooo upset that we aren't coming by today. They're seriously family. I want you all to meet them right now!!!! :) Looooooove them!!!!

They want to take to Mexico with Alexis, and Antonio's mom, would that be okay?? It'd be in July. It's really not a joke. They have it planned and everything :):):):) we'd drive there and then stay in their houses!!


Okay, anyways, we had an amazing couple lessons with a 14 year old. She's had a really hard life. But she's amazing. It's so sad because she never got to grow up with the knowledge that we have, and so her situation in life is really really sad, but she wants to change and she's working to change!!! I really felt God's love for her as she was talking! :) she's so cute!!!!!! We are going to re-extend a baptismal date because we haven't finished teaching her everything, but she's going to get baptized cien por ciento!!!! That makes me so happy :):) and she loves it when we come over too!!!

Also Manuel and Alexis bought us food. Not just made dinner for us, but bought us groceries!!!!!!!!!! They are so cute!!! They bought us so much. We don't need to go shopping this week. I love them wayyyyyy too much. They're my favorite :) well they're all my favorite, but their family is super special!!!!

Then we had an amazing regional conference. I want to ask y'all two questions that Elder Corbridge asked. First read the story in John 6:65-69 and then think of these two questions "Will ye also go away? If ye shall, where shall ye go??" Where can we go? There is only one way to eternal life and that is through the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has 'the words of eternal life' We will never be able to truly be happy if we don't have Him and His gospel engrained in our lives. We must understand this. If we don't understand, we have to put in the effort and then we will. If we truly understood the importance of this message the importance of this gospel, we could not fall away!!! 

That was my favorite part, but I also loved how much they talked about simplifying our lives and focusing on the most important : God and our families. We have to do the things for our daily bread, but we have to make sure that we aren't too busy to do things with our family and that we really are working to have a happy loving family. I can't remember exactly what this quote said, but it said around the lines of eternal life is an extension of the ideal home. Wow, pretty profound huh? :):) they encouraged us to delete some things that we don't need in our lives. Declutter the closet of endless tasks and distractions and focus on the most important.

I hope you all know how much I love you and I pray for you a lot!!!! Let's make every week a week where we come closer to Jesus Christ and find more happiness :):) Let me know if I can every do anything for you!!!! :):):):):)


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