Monday, December 7, 2015

Buenos Dias!!! 7 December 2015


I'm trying to be better at taking photos, but I'll be honest with you, it's not me, my companeras are the good ones..... hahahha I've never been good at that. 

So this week was AMAZING!!!! Let me just tell you!! There is so much joy to be found in this work and this gospel :) wghoooooo! So there are some new videos on the church website and you NEED to see them!!!!!!! go to videos are so cute. and if you haven't seen the video from last year, you need to as well!!! It helps us focus on why we really have Christmas. because A Savior was born. 

Okay first some funny stories and then some spiritual ones!!! So some funny ones, we had to take the bus a lot because my bike tire died and the people on the bus are hilarious!!!!

The first time we got on the bus and there was a black mane and as soon as he saw us, he said whoa, look at them white ladies!! How you doing white ladies? and then he started singing about white ladies. He did that for like a straight five minutes. hahah, I died, it was hilarious.

Then while we were at a bus stop, a black man came up to Hermana Rivas and started talking to her. He asked for her name and  she told me, and he was like man, I've always wanted to know an Hermana Rivas... hahaha and asked for her number (she's so cute because when black people speak they have a different accent, so she couldn't understand very well and so it was really funny because she wasn't realizing he was hitting on her.) Hermana Ihrke and I were dying.  He was super drunk. Hilarious. 

We had some other funny stories, but I can't remember them right now! So now for the spiritual ones because that's the best!!! :)

Antonio is my favorite person on this planet!!! He is so cool!!! We practiced street contacting with him and he loved it!!! He practices it all the time and he learned how to pray in English because he wanted to be able to do it. He's the best!!! and he keeps sharing his testimony with everyone and reading and praying everyday and he's so excited about everything!!!! He goes out with us and the elders all the time!!! He was telling about an investigator family of the elders and he was talking about how they were going to get baptized. He explained to the family that they needed to get baptized again because their church didn't have the authority and our church is the only one that does. HOW AWESOME! :) He also told his friend that he needed to get baptized in our church because they don't' have the authority. and that wasn't even a lesson!!!!!
and another thing!!! 

Iris is progressing really well!! It helps that her son got baptized and is so strong, but we had an amazing lesson with her where she told us that she knows this is the true church, jose smith fue un profeta, and that she needs to get baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! the church and the gospel are so true!!!!!!!! :)):):):):) her date is for the 19th and then she'll get confirmed on my birthday!!!! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!!!~!! whoooooooo!!! :):)

Manuel finally came out teaching with us and he shared his testimony about how much he's changed. It's so amazing to know that the gospel can really change us. That's what it's about!!! Helping us to become more like our Heavenly Father because we know that's the way to have happiness. People think otherwise, but I know that when I am trying to act the way Christ would, I'm happier. 

I forgot to tell you all that I'm staying here again for another transfer!!! I hope I never leave because I love the people here!!!! But I will love the people wherever I go!!!!

I love that I am able to focus on Christ this Christmas. I love how every year as a family we do the Nativitybecause that's the time to think about Christ!!! and to spend family time. I love you all so much and I'm so blessed that I have you in my life!!!! Family and friends! Let's make sure to focus on the most important things: God and our families. 

Love you all so much!!! :) Let me know if I can do anything for you!!! LOVE YOU!~!!:) LOVE YOU! Can't 'wait to see y'all soon!!!

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