Monday, May 9, 2016

9 May 2016

So we had a great week this last one!!! But first it was so good to talk to you all. The dance was awesome :) I'm pumped for next year!!!!! Also tell Leslie that I'm excited to talk to her again and that she will be able to acclimate me :) hahah

We had a week of miracles!!!! Okay, to start out, yesterday we were biking to an investigators house and all of a sudden I heard just someone say hola. which happens all the time because Hispanics just call us out because we're gueras, so we waved, but just kept going, but all of a sudden I knew I had to go back. (The spirit!!!!!) and we went back. He was so excited to see us. He said he hoped in his mind that we would come back because he was a member who had just moved from Guatemala, who wanted to find the church, his wife wants to learn about the church, and they want their kids to grow up in it!!!! How amazing is that?? They are coming to church next week and they want us to come by to teach them!!!!!! MIRACLES ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! :)

We have been so blessed finding people. There are so many people who are ready to hear the gospel. Going to church is a huge problem though. It's like not their culture to go to church. Ever. like Easter and Christmas and that's it. It's so different to see that because you know that Sunday is a day where you go to church and you live the dia de reposo. I really want to have strong converts who never fall away. So I'll do whatever I can, but I know it's their decision. Agency is real, folks. 

but Jonathan and Adrian should be getting baptized this Saturday!!! We still need to confirm it one more time because Manuel went out of town and we have to make sure the kids are going to be there next weekend because they kind of need to be. Pray a lot for them please!!! They're all set, it just depends on if the mom will take them over this weekend. (That is so complicated by the way!)

Now for a funny story. We were trying an old investigator, but he wasn't there, so we decided to try the door next to it. We knocked and this guy let us share a quick message. I almost died of laughter. I could not handle it. There was this guy drunk passed out on the couch. Another guy has a mullet, who just said si, si, si quiero ir a la iglesia and another man just eating cereal in the corner. I don't know why it was so funny, but we were all having a problem keeping a straight face. We got out of there pretty quick haha :)#

Also I'm working with the primary again!!!!!!! That is my favorite thing on the planet. I decided that I will always work with the primary :) but it's that I got to work with them before the mission (even though I was only the pianist, but I saw the difference and what you all did) They definitely need some help with it, and now I am doing the music and helping them do it all :) whoooooo. I love it. #primaryforlife :) yep. I just used a hashtag, look how hip I am..... 

I have been reading Jesus the Christ and it is phenomenal. I have read parts of it, but my goal is before this transfer ends, to finish it in its entirety. It's soooooooooooooooooooooo deep. I love it. You should all read it.  

(also picture of an exchangeish thing we went on. It was awesome. I went on splits with an english sister and I got to translate everything the investigator was saying and then what she wanted to say back. IT WAS SO FUN!!!! I didn't realize how much I loved it :) 

WE HAVE A DISTRICT TEMPLE TRIP AGAIN NEXT P-DAY!!!!! I'm pumped!!!!!!! So I'll write you on Tuesday :)

Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):)::)) 

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