Monday, April 20, 2015

20 April 2015

Guess who it is again! ME :) how are you all? How's the weather? Michelle sent me a picture of it snowing, so I'm guessing it's a little cold. Here it has been beautiful! I have the worst tan lines ever... it's super funny. Lauren, I know you'll make fun of me when I get back. pero esta bien :) hahah we did have a GIANT storm here. We were told to go back to our apartments early because it was so bad. I loved it. The lightning was insane! We weren't even aloud to leave the church until there was a little break (because we were having a lesson with our recent converts) it was awesoooooome!

So this week I went on exchanges in Galveston. It is so pretty there! It's crazy though because the Hurricane that went through there a little bit ago really affected the area, so it can be kind of sketchy, but the people are super nice. I went with Hermana Christensen who actually was in the MTC with me. She's super cool and such a good missionary! I love her!!

English class is SO good!!! We keep having more and more people come, and we are having a baptism next week for Jaime, who we gave an English tarjeta to!! It's so cool! He's the best! So what happened with him is we were driving to a cita when I saw Jaime and I jumped out of the car and ran over and started talking to him about English class. He was so excited! and we told him we taught about Jesus Christ too, and he said he wanted to listen as well! After that we gave him the information and he started calling us all the time. We went over and taught him the Restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon and he got so into it. Sadly, we found out he was part of the other Hermanas area, so we couldn't teach him anymore, but they did such a good job and now he's getting baptized!!! What!? It's been four weeks since we first gave him the first lesson! Amazing!!! And he talks all about how when we first found him he was drunk, but he completely has changed his life around. He talks about how grateful he is that we found him. Even his friends have noticed a difference! He's the best!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! I have such a testimony of English Class and OYMing :) 

Hmmmm que mas..... we helped with a 5k that was pretty fun! We found four new investigators. Sweet!!! 

OH GUESS WHAT!!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A BAPTISM THIS WEEK in our area. We don't know who, but it's going to happen :) we know it. whooooooo!!! There will be pictures after the baptism, don't worry :)

Okay now for one of our miracles!!!!! Coolest thing happened. So we promised that we wouldn't go to church unless we had one of our investigators there. (because we've been having some problems getting investigators to Church) so we made that promise and Sunday came. We had like 7 people who said they would be there, but they hadn't shown up.It hit 12:28 two minutes before Church started when Johny a recent convert called us. He said Ruben was dropping him off, but Ruben didn't want to come in. We were not going to have that of course! So we waited outside until his car pulled up. We convinced Ruben to come in to Sacrament and surprise! There was another guy with him and he just decided to come to Church too! We had 2 investigators at church that we hadn't planned one. God is the best! He basically did everything for us! And they're going to get baptized soon!!! They're super cool :) Maybe one of them will be baptized this weekend! hahah isn't that amazing!? God truly is a God of miracles. 

I love being a missionary! Times are hard and crazy, but you feel more joy bringing people into the gospel than anywhere else. I just wish everyone could have the same joy that we have, but sometimes they don't want to listen. I have learned 'rejection doesn't mean no, just not yet.' I know whatever is God's will is going to happen. We just are blessed to see what happens :) hahaha

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